
Books about history

Boudica Iron Age Warrior Queen

Boudica Iron Age Warrior QueenBoudica Iron Age Warrior Queen by Richard Hingley with graphics from Christina Unwin. This is a very informative and understandable history of Boudica. It sets the scene by giving some background about life in Iron Age and Roman Britain. It knocks on the head the idea that Iron Age Britain was some kind of barbarian... Read More »

SPQR A History of Ancient Rome, Mary Beard

SPQR A History of Ancient Rome, Mary BeardAs Dante had Virgil for his guide through Hell and Purgatory so Mary Beard had Cicero as her guide through the Roman republic. This is an important point and what makes the book so good. Instead of starting with the end of the Etruscan kings, through the republic and finishing with the Empire, Mary Beard... Read More »

The Ark Before Noah, Irving Finkel, Hodder & Stoughton

The Ark Before Noah, Irving Finkel, Hodder & StoughtonI first heard about Irving Finkel’s discovery about the early story of the ark on radio 4. He came on to talk about a cuneiform tablet that he had seen years ago but never had the chance to study it until then. From this he managed to find out about the early construction of the... Read More »

H D F Kitto, The Greeks

H D F Kitto, The Greeks“The Greeks” is a 1951 non-fiction book on classical Greece by University of Bristol professor and translator HDF Kitto. The book was first published in hardback by Penguin Books, but has been republished in several formats since its initial publication. The Greeks serves as an introduction to the whole range of life in ancient Greece... Read More »

Bettany Hughes: Helen of Troy: Goddess, Princess, Whore

Bettany Hughes: Helen of Troy: Goddess, Princess, WhoreShe was the most beautiful woman in the world. A sex goddess. She is shrouded in legend. Her face launched a thousand ships. Her story has never been fully explained…until now. As soon as men began to write, they made Helen of Troy their subject. Hesiod, one the first named authers in history, called her... Read More »